We recently identified improving access to land data as one of the key ways of promoting common good land use in the UK. Now we want to know more about how this can be achieved. If you are interested in this, or think you can help, please get in touch.

We believe that land data could help people produce more social, environmental, and economic value from land, by making it easier to identify suitable land for projects, and to use that land better. Now we want to find out how to make this a reality, by answering some key questions:

What information do social enterprises and other groups need?

  • We want to talk to groups growing food, managing woodlands or green spaces, or engaged in other land-based activities. What information do they need to identify new sites, or to manage existing ones better? What data are they currently aware of, and how do they access it at the moment?

What data is available?

  • We want to widen and deepen our knowledge about what data is out there. Defra recently announced plans release of 8000 datasets, and they are by no means the only source of land data. Which data could be most useful to communities and social enterprises?

How can we make the data accessible?

  • At the moment most groups lack means of accessing most data, or are unaware of what data would be most useful, or even what exists. How are government, and other holders of data, going to make sure it generates as much social and environmental value as possible? What kind of platform would make this data accessible?

If you are interested in any of these questions or think you could help us answer them we’d love to hear from you. Send an email to hello@sharedassets.org.uk, or give us a call on 07542063083

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