The Justice Hub is a dedicated space within the conference, for people who are oppressed, discriminated-against or marginalised within agricultural spaces to feel empowered, connect with each other and share knowledge.
Building solidarity with international movements, in 2022 the programme found its roots in racial justice and in its second year has expanded to encompass the exploration of intersecting issues spanning across all that encompasses intersectional and transformational justice: land, race, food, class, climate, reparations, abolition, disability, health, gender, wealth, and migration. We are really excited to host sessions which dig into many of these issues this year.
On Thursday, we are incredibly excited to be welcoming back into the Justice Hub Sara and Samson from Miknaf Ha'aretz talking their participation in the Jewish Land Movement in the UK, we will also have an insight into the freshly finished report Jumping Fences, exploring the intersection between land justice, food justice racial justice in Britain. Collectives working on abolition - Myco Manchester and CRADLE community will talk to us about how prisons and policing increasingly affect our relationships with the land in the UK, making abolition an integral part of the struggle for land justice on an international scale. The day will finish with a workshop on building workers’ power in the agroecological and regenerative farming sectors, discussing how to collectively address some of the precarious aspects of taking up agroecological land work.
On Friday, the Justice Hub will host an interactive workshop focussed on understanding our relationship to land to understand how transforming our relationship to land is part of the wider struggle for collective liberation. Then we will have a session problematising green investment, asking the question of whether environmental land subsidies are exacerbating existing issues within our current land system such as rising rural land prices, concentration of ownership and communities being excluded from land use decisions that impact them. This will be followed by a conversation about despite opaque processes to reckon with how our communities can organise and create opportunities to have a say in how urban and rural land is used.The day will end with a sensory workshop with soil. As historical sites of struggles for survival, the facilitators look to soil also for repair. Working with mind, body and soil to explore narratives of reclamation and relationship.
Thursday 5th January
11.00-12.30 - Building a Jewish Land Justice Movement with Samson Hart (Miknaf Ha’aretz and Landworkers’ Alliance) and Sara Moon (Miknaf Ha’aretz)
14.00-15.30 - The Jumping Fences Report: Land justice, food justice and racial justice in British Farming with Josina Calliste (Land in Our Names), Cel Robertson (Forever Green Flowers), Flavian Obiero (NFU), Naomi Terry (Jumping Fences)
16.00-17.30 - The Wood Shed - How do prisons and policing impact and intersect with our struggles for land justice? With Sophia Doyle (London Freedom Seed Bank), Tallulah Brennan (writer, Abolitionist Futures, SHADO magazine, It’s Freezing in LA), Jesse Noon (Myco Mushroom Coop), Kelsey and Chelsea (Cradle Community)
18.00-19.30 - "Just Another Diamond Day”: Building Workers’ Power in the agroecological and regenerative farming sectors with Nell Benney, Zoe Miles and Ellie Paganini (Solidarity Across Land Trades, SALT)

Friday 6th January
9.00-10.30 - At the root: understanding our relationship to land in the struggle for collective liberation with Katherine Wall (Land Justice Facilitator)
11.00-12.30 - Green investment: opportunities for nature friendly farming or a new land grab? With Bonnie VandeSteeg (People's Land Policy), Mark Walton (Shared Assets), Olivia Oldham (University of Edinburgh), Kai Heron (Birkbeck)
12.45-13.45 - Stand Up Now!: Finding opportunities TODAY for communities to have a say in how their land is used with Simon Ruston (Urban Agriculture Consortium) and Emmott Baddeley (University of Sheffield)
14.00-15.30 - Soiled: Composting Trauma with Mama D Ujuaje (Community Centred Knowledge), Sophy Banks (Healthy Human Culture, grief tending), Naomi Millner (University of Bristol)
And some land / justice sessions not to miss in other rooms:
The Main Hall
Friday, 11.00-12.30 - Cultivating Belonging: Exploring Diasporic Relationships to Land with Claire Ratinon (organic grower and author) and Rachel Solnick (Bodfrigan project, Wales)
The Magic Common Room
Thursday, 16.00-17.30 - Belonging to the Land: Resistance and Resilience with Samson Hart (Miknaf Ha’aretz and Landworkers’ Alliance), Sui Searle (@decolonisethegarden), Mama D (community food and nourishment practitioner)
Story Museum - The Wood Shed
Thursday, 14.00-17.30 - Struggles for Land Justice: Sharing strategies from the UK, Brazil, and East Africa with Daniel Piovesan do Nascimento (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra - MST), Emma Cardwell (Lancaster Environment Centre), Roz Corbett (Landworkers’ Alliance), Nick Lunch (InsightShare).
St Aldates Tavern - The Blue Room
Thursday, 8.00pm - 9.30pm - Protest and Land Rights: What have we got to be afraid of? with Simon Fairlie (farmer and editor) and Nicola Chester (teacher and activist)
Land In Our Names (LION) and Shared Assets, as hosts of the Justice Hub, invite people to speak from marginal perspectives and different ways of knowing, whilst centring their topics on a belief in equity, solidarity and collaboration. We also welcome all allies to come and share the space in an accountable way. We hope that holding this space will contribute to building a diverse and equitable movement around food sovereignty and land justice.