The Shared Assets team are heading to the Land Skills Fair in Gloucestershire for a weekend of workshops, talks, activities, music and good food. Organised by the Landworkers' Alliance and Land In Our Names, the Land Skills Fair brings together people invested in food, land and climate justice to build the movement.
"We see the Land Skills Fair as an opportunity to build the Food and Land Justice movement through a diverse, celebratory and creative space." - Landworkers' Alliance
Over the weekend we will be running three workshop sessions throughout the weekend as part of our Movement Building work. Kim, our Lead Research Coordinator, will also be working with the Landworkers' Alliance on two sessions: 'Overcoming Barriers: New Entrant Support Space', where they are talking about the work that Shared Assets has been doing for new entrants into farming, as well as facilitating in the session 'My Landwork Story".

'Collaborating on Routes Towards Land Justice' is a session inspired by our work on Theories of Change within our Movement Building strategy, and also leading on from conversations that were had at the Oxford Real Farming Conference and our Spring Gathering:
"How can we collaborate more effectively across the land justice movement? We will facilitate an open space to talk about the work that is currently happening, and bring people together to develop ideas and action plans for collaboration within a land justice movement."

Using research from the Power in Place Report and our Emerging Land Voices project, we are taking this session to the Land Skills Fair to delve into how we use narratives to talk about land, and how we challenge current, dominant narratives that work against our causes.
"This session will pay attention to the positive narratives we aim to cultivate around land, empowering voices from across the movement and recognising which power structures are working against us. We aim to leave the session with a stronger sense of shared language and collective power behind the narratives we communicate."

Our 'Exploring Theories of Change' session directly connects with the explorations we began at the Oxford Real Farming Conference this year. You can find this session at the social justice space at the Land Skills Fair:
"Where do we share objectives and approaches and where do we differ while working for land justice? This session will explore different theories of change, identifying what resonates for us, and where we can direct our energies to work towards land justice."